Red Mile Back To Days

Despite gains in attendance and handle that were attributed to a switch to nights, the Red Mile will return to daytime racing for this year’s 2012 Grand Circuit meet.

The Grand Circuit meet will kick off Sept. 27 with a 1 pm post time.

“We’re changing it around because we wanted people to enjoy the whole Lexington experience,” said Frank Antonacci, one of the track’s owners. “We’re trying to balance between what’s best from the pari-mutuel side and people having fun. People told us they preferred we race during the day. At first, we thought
about racing nights the first week and days the second week, but we decided that people really enjoyed the daytime racing.”

The Red Mile was proud of its ability to lure younger customers last year at nights, something that will be a
challenge this year.

“We’re going to focus on getting the younger people to come to the early meet,” Antonacci said.

The annual Lexington sell, held in conjunction with the Red Mile’s Grand Circuit meet, will begin Tuesday, Oct. 2 and continue through Friday. It will begin each night at 7 p.m.


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